营销的5p是一个核心的营销原则,可以帮助你更好地了解如何营销你的业务. 这一原则最初是埃德蒙·杰罗姆(Edmund Jerome)在20世纪60年代的著作《2021十大正规彩票app》中提出的 基本的营销 (with the 5th P added a bit later) and has been a staple for marketers ever since. 

With a clear sense of the 5 Ps and how to apply them as a real estate agent, you can better understand marketing and increase your business success. 


The 5 Ps of marketing are simple: product, price, place, promotions, and people. Together, these 5 Ps make up the core of any marketing strategy. Here’s what you need to know about each one. 

1. 产品

第一个P是乘积. 清楚地定义你提供什么以及它的好处是任何营销策略的重要组成部分. This may seem simple, but it is a step novice marketers often miss. 

When marketing your product or service, it is important to state exactly what customers can expect to receive, why they should want the product or service you offer, and the benefits that they’re likely to experience from your product or service. How will your service or product transform their lives? That’s what you need to make clear.

应用 产品 作为一个2021十大正规彩票app经纪人

要关注的最重要的事情之一是明确你所提供的内容. You may think that people know what real estate agents do. While this may be true to an extent, what you offer your clients is unique. It’s how you stand out, and showcasing that in your marketing is key.

为了让你的营销更加清晰,首先要回答关于你做什么的最基本的问题. Not only is this a great exercise to better understand how you can create clear messaging; it can also be turned into an 常见问题解答 page on your website or in your printed materials.

一旦你知道你能提供什么,你的工作就是清楚地传达雇佣你的好处. 例如, you provide intangible benefits like less stress, more confidence in purchasing or selling a home, 或者节省时间. You also provide tangible benefits like negotiating. 通过你的网站文案,确保你的受众理解所有这些好处, 社交媒体帖子, 电子邮件, 甚至是面对面的交流.

2. 价格

第二个P是价格. This, of course, refers to the price of your product or service. 然而, it also includes other pricing considerations like discount strategies, 付款安排, 付款条件. 

应用 价格 作为一个2021十大正规彩票app经纪人

No matter what commission or fee structure you use, you can use price in your marketing strategy by how you communicate it. 下面是一些例子:

  • 在你的营销材料和网站上添加关于你的定价结构的清晰和易于访问的信息.
  • 使用以你的服务价值为中心的语言,比如,“当你和我一起工作时,包括什么.”
  • 让你的定价易于理解,并始终将其与你带来的价值联系起来.


3. 的地方

第三个P是位置. 的地方 refers to where your product is made, distributed, and available to consumers. 经常, a product or service is only accessible in certain areas, 准确地定义你在哪里提供你的产品或服务对一个有效的营销策略很重要. 


应用 的地方 作为一个2021十大正规彩票app经纪人

你的营销策略的一个重要部分是拥有你的位置——在一个特定的区域或社区为你自己命名. There are many ways to make this clear while also weaving it into your marketing. 
例如, include it in your Instagram bio. This is an important piece of a real estate Instagram bio that stands out. You can add a similar tagline to your printed marketing materials and website. No matter where potential clients find you, they should know where you work.

4. 促销活动

第四个P是促销. 在我们的数字世界里, promotions can now take many forms: social media, 搜索引擎优化, 在线广告, 广告牌, 杂志广告, 网络群体, 供应商博览会, 和更多的. 这个P是关于为市场营销腾出时间,也是关于使用对你的业务最有价值的渠道.  

应用 促销活动 作为一个2021十大正规彩票app经纪人

重要的是,你要把你的推广和营销工作集中在你最能接触到潜在客户的平台上. 对一些代理商来说,这可能是一个当地的广告牌,而对另一些代理商来说,这是一个强大的Instagram形象. 这取决于你的理想客户是谁,以及他们最有可能在哪里看到你的促销活动.

5. 人

第五个也是最后一个P是人. 这个P集中在任何营销策略的两个重要部分:你的营销对象和帮助你营销的人. You can’t market yourself without understanding your audience. 而且,通常情况下,如果团队中没有合适的人,你就无法执行你的营销策略.

应用 作为一个2021十大正规彩票app经纪人

了解你的客户是作为2021十大正规彩票app经纪人脱颖而出的最重要的方法. 在拥挤的市场, 针对你想要吸引的客户类型进行个性化营销将会产生巨大的影响. If you want to attract luxury real estate listings, 你的营销应该与你试图吸引首次购买者的营销方式有所不同. 

This then leads to a better client experience. 例如, if you know that you’ll be primarily working with first-time buyers, 你可以在第一次见面时提供一本“购房101”小册子,回答潜在客户在购房过程中可能遇到的基本问题,从而改善你的客户体验. 这些小细节会让你从其他中介中脱颖而出,并鼓励人们推荐你. 

随着业务的增长, 你需要考虑这个P的第二部分:你的营销团队中的人. You may not have a full team of people yet, 但即使是自由职业者或承包商也是你需要考虑的团队成员. 你支持他们吗?? 他们有他们需要的东西吗? Are they as passionate about what you offer as you are?



Understand the 5 Ps of Marketing

The 5 Ps provide structure in a way that helps you rise above competitors. Even if you don’t have a formal marketing background, you can use these core principles to help gain clarity on what you offer, 你把它给谁, 如何推广, and the other factors that will help you turn more prospects into clients.